Sunday, November 29, 2015

21st Century Comics

Here we enter into the comics of today, where all kinds of things are happening all at once, and the popularity of online comics has grown significantly. Online comics come into the forefront because they are easily, accessible and have an open variety that isn’t hindered by a publisher. It also allows the artist’s to update and move their story forward at heir own pace, with out a huge stress on deadlines and whether or not they sold enough. Many of the artists have areas in which you can donate and support them in their work. Allowing them to work at a job that supports this passion or at a place they are equally passionate for. This has allowed readers to really read and enjoy variety and get the updates they desperately wait for and contact with the creator. That is another thing that really is a nice thing, is the contact you get with the creator. They have blogs and places where you can ask them questions and interact with them freely, creating a sense of community through the Internet. They even give how to tips and enjoy getting to talk with their fans. It creates a more personal warmth than just getting a comic from the store, you don’t often get to ask those creators unless they happen to be at a convention. But online it’s just a click away. And that’s where I believe comics are headed, where their next big leap will be. Through the web comics will prosper with out limits in format and audience artists can be truly free to express themselves and have their own group of fans no matter how big or small. The only question that arises is how will companies compete with this when it becomes the go to format? Will a company arise that will just pay artists to publish on there cite and viewers just have to have a monthly subscription? Or will it stay by donation only? Only the future holds the answer and we can either watch or start it.

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