Saturday, November 7, 2015

European Comics

I read a wide variety of the European comics, some Heavy Metal, some Asterix, and some Blacksad. I really enjoyed what I read and could see that is the comic code hadn’t happened in the United States, we might’ve been where Europe is. The overall variety found in the European comics was very refreshing and the respect of how they are published in very nice packaging is very different from the United States. There is more respect for it as an art and isn’t seen as just something for children. This of course comes from Europe’s long time history for comics and them seeing it as a pastime for all ages.
The comic I enjoyed the most was Blacksad I love the flow and the….the….There is just something about it that makes me think of Elmore Leonard. Which is you know him, he has some kind of power to make you keep reading. As does Blacksad.. The story just makes you keep turning the pages, and the art is just cinematic, it just moves with you. I can just keep praising this comic, it makes me want to read more and get to know the characters and really have some type of connection. This is where I think the United States is now catching up too, is that stories about superheroes aren’t really cutting it. People enjoy easy stories, but are wanting more, they want an investment. Were wanting something that will hook, line and sink us into the depths of storytelling. The story could be any genre we just want something good and new. And I think its coming around and I think one of the companies that is going to leading this new wave will be Image, they have had a strong standing in unique comics, but are now starting to really get attention from their ongoing comic Saga.

So other companies may want to start re-thinking what they’re doing because Image is starting the next wave.   

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